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A bending jig for 2mm steel sheet.

The image above shows my Southworth pump. I saw a picture on the net which showed it sitting on a little stand which was then mounted on the running board by the smokebox. So I cut out a piece of 2mm mild steel to the correct width and length and then thought “how am I going to bend it?” My other bending kit would either not cope with the 2mm or would not cope with the short distance between the  bends. I found a bit of Warco kit which solved the problem ……….  expensive but solved the problem! There is a cheaper way but…….

Above shows the Warco “Adjustable Jaw Benders – Vice Folders for Sheet Metal” in use.  Also available from Axminster Tools.

The knife is segmented which enables more complex shapes to be folded. It is also available in different sizes from 4, 5 or 6 inches wide. The magnets are very strong which hold it your vice while setting up. A tip to remember is to sweep your vice and bench before you use them!

Above, having accurately scribed a line, make sure everything is dead square in the vice and squeeze! It was that easy.

All four bends were as good as identical and I was well pleased with the finished article. The supplier suggests that it will bend up to 115 degrees.

… another possibly cheaper method which also works would be to use a “V” block, preferably not your best ones!